Typical Office Hours at our Main Office in Mishawaka are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Hours in our Elkhart, Goshen and Plymouth offices vary based on the monthly scheduling of providers. Please call our office at 574-273-6767 to request an appointment.
Nephrology Physicians Edison Lakes
Located at 710 Park Place, Mishawaka, IN 46545
Telephone: 574-273-6767
Fax: 574-273-6757
Our primary office is located close to St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Mishawaka Campus in the Edison Lakes development. We are located a mile south of the University Park Mall, two blocks east of Main Street, and south of Edison Lakes Parkway on Park Place. The office is on the second floor of the facility which includes the Fresenius hemodialysis unit on the first floor.
The office is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Convenient appointments are scheduled in advance based upon your doctor’s availability at this location.
Nephrology Physicians Elkhart
Located at 820 Waterbury Park Avenue, Elkhart, IN 46517
Telephone: 574-273-6767
Fax: 574-273-6757
Our office is located on the south side of Elkhart, a few blocks north of East Mishawaka Road at Pleasant Plain Avenue and Waterbury Park Drive. The office is open several days each week and convenient appointments are scheduled in advance based upon your doctor’s availability at this location.
Nephrology Physicians Pymouth
Located in the LifePlex Building at 2855 Miller Drive, Suite 209, Plymouth, IN 46563
Telephone: 574-273-6767
Fax: 574-273-6757
Our office is located on the second floor of the LifePlex building, south of US 30 directly off Pioneer Road. The office is located adjacent to the Fresenius hemodialysis unit. Convenient appointments are available each week based upon your doctor’s availability at this location.
Nephrology Physicians Goshen
Located at 2257 Karisa Drive, Goshen IN 46526
Telephone: 574-273-6767
Fax: 574-273-6757
Our office is located north of the Beechwood Golf Course and west of Boyd Boulevard on Monroe Street. The office is located in the same facility as the Fresenius hemodialysis unit. Physician appointments are scheduled a few days per month based on your doctor’s availability at this location.
Treating you while admitted to one of the area hospitals is an important aspect of our commitment to managing all aspects of your kidney disease. Our staff is credentialed at the following hospitals:
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center – Plymouth
1915 Lake Avenue
Plymouth, IN 46563
IU-Goshen Hospital
200 High Park Avenue
Goshen, IN 46526
Memorial Hospital of South Bend
615 N Michigan Street
South Bend, IN 46601
Elkhart General Hospital
600 East Blvd.
Elkhart, IN 46514
Rehabilitation Hospital of Northern Indiana
4807 Edison Lakes Parkway
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Our nephrologists and nurse practitioners see patients frequently to manage their patients on dialysis. For additional information on the facilities listed below, visit www.freseniuskidneycare.com
Fresenius Medical Home Dialysis Program
Located at 250 E. Day Road, Mishawaka, IN 46544
Home Program Telephone: 574-273-6777
Home Program Fax: 574-968-7207
The Home Dialysis unit is one of the largest programs in the Midwest and provides nursing education and training for both peritoneal dialysis (PD) and home hemodialysis. Your visits with your nephrologist for PD and home hemodialysis will be scheduled at this facility.
Fresenius Medical Care Nephrology Mishawaka
Located at 710 Park Place, Mishawaka, IN 46545
Telephone: 574-273-6767
Fax: 574-273-6760
Fresenius Medical Care Nephrology Elkhart
Located at 700 Waterbury Park Avenue, Elkhart, IN 46517
Telephone: 574-294-4444
Fax: 574-295-7400
Fresenius Medical Care Nephrology Blackthorn
Located at 6201 Nimtz Parkway, South Bend, IN 46628
Telephone: 574-246-7000
Fax: 574-246-7007
Fresenius Medical Care Nephrology Marshall County
Located in the LifePlex Building at 2855 Miller Drive, Suite 209, Plymouth, IN 46563
Telephone: 574-936-2754
Fax: 574-936-3105
Fresenius Medical Care Nephrology Goshen
Located at 2257 Karisa Drive, Goshen IN 46526
Telephone: 574-533-9031
Fax: 574-535-1089
Fresenius Medical Care Nephrology South Bend
Located at 320 S. St. Joseph ST. South Bend, IN 46601
Telephone: 574-246-0752
Fax: 574-246-0759
Michiana Regional Vascular Access Center
Located at 250 E. Day Road, Mishawaka, IN 46544 #300
For more information, visit: https://www.azuravascularcare.com/center/michiana-regional-vascular-center/